Monday, January 25, 2010

18 Months

How can it be? How can you be 1 and 1/2 years old!?! Where did the time go?

I love you sweet girl! While I am very sadden by the realization that you are quite the toddler now, I am so in love with every minute, every day, every year, and every half a year I have with you! You are more wonderful than you will ever know.

I hope you enjoyed your half birthday despite your not so fun visit from the teething devil! Yes, teething devil, I hope that your presence means we are getting our last three teeth at once! If not then you need to leave at once! My sweet girl needs a break from you.

It's tradition in our house to celebrate half birthdays! Ok, I pretty much like any reason to celebrate, but believe it or not I was not the one who started this tradition. Daddy, did this one. Last year, he brought Mollye Bear mini cupcakes- which of course Mommy ate. This year he, yes I said he, BAKED her cupcakes! He even put a candle and a half in one. She loved it! Along with the cupcakes he brought Mollye and Mommy cards. Hers was perfect with a kitty, and mine was perfect with a Harley dog look alike. Thanks, Dad, we loved it! Wish you would have been here to celebrate with us though. We know boats must be worked on though.

Check out a couple pictures of the sweet girl today:

No fear, she knew not to touch! She was a perfect angel for this event.

Yummy, I like this! Mommy never, ever gives me chocolate! Please note- Mommy had to withhold from saying something to Daddy about choosing chocolate cupcakes! I didn't though. The thought was too sweet!

Mommy says I must brush my teeth every night!

How can she be old enough to pretend read to her duck? How can it be!?!

Happy Half Birthday, Mollye Bear!


  1. cute pictures! Just wait, while you celebrated one and a half, we had two and a half! And I must ask, why no chocolate? DO you not like it? And if so WOW, don't meet many girls who don't loathe over it! lol

  2. Time is flying faster and faster with this sweet one! I CANNOT believe she is already 1 1/2! Great Idea on the 1/2 candle, brother!

    mac :)
