Thursday, July 15, 2010


Sorry, I apologize because I have not been blogging this summer. I have really tried to be out there enjoying life! Truthfully sometimes the internet can take over way too much of my time! I vowed in June to make the most of this summer. Mollye is just too fun not to enjoy every second that I can with her. I promise there will be lots of posts on all of our fun adventures- Disney, playdates, Zoo, Aquarium, Lake Winnie, one big surprise!!, and just lots of fun times together!

Tonight though I did want to mention the fabulous time we had yesterday. We were able to go up to my sis-n-law's and spend the day with them. I just love being around all of them! Those boys are way to precious and sweet. OH and I must mention how sweet Uncle Kenny is- who else would go at nine o'clock at night to get us diapers!!! Mollye and I just love our time there. That is one family that as Casey would say- I wish we could just live next door to each other. Oh the fun those cousins could have! And then there is that Aunt Meg... what would we do without her!!! She is so talented, so sweet, such a joy to be around, and such an inspiration as a person. We love you!

I would love to show you all that she worked on while we were there, but unfortunately I do not want to give away some birthday surprises (only 10 days left!!!). I will give you a sneak peak though.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


There are about 3,500 species of mosquitoes found throughout the world. In some species of mosquito, the females feed on humans, and are therefore vectors for a number of infectious diseases affecting millions of people per year.

One of these got mt sweet girl on Saturday! Oh how much I dislike you mosquito!

By Monday her eye was swollen shut and she was diagnosed with Periorbital Cellulitis.

By Wednesday we were all at our end- still no sign of healing, high fever, very cranky, and a very bruised and red eye. The only positive was no swelling. This resulted in a shot.

Today, eye looks better but not great. NO FEVER-that's a plus! Still very cranky and now refuses to walk because her leg is so sore from the shot. Not sure what all today has in store for us. The doctor will be calling sometime this morning to decide if they need to do blood work and look for something else and possible staph. Crossing my fingers that since she does not have a fever then we will be able to avoid anymore testing. At the same time though, I want my sweet, happy girl back. Not this child. Send prayers up that she is back to herself soon!!!