Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Daddy!

So how can it be that he (well I for that matter) is old enough to be retired. That's right he finished up a couple of weeks ago. I'm so proud of him!

I'm a huge Daddy's girl so he has pretty much always hung the moon in my opinion. But really... I am proud of him. He worked so hard to give us everything he could. Both of my parents always made sure to supply us with everything we needed. I'm pretty sure during my junior high days that my mom NEVER bought herself anything b/c I had to have designer jeans! I owe them big time!
The best part is now that he is retired I can relax about who will watch Mollye when Nanny (Sue) has to take a day off. I know Mollye will be in great hands with Papa, because guess what Papa thinks Mollye and I hung the moon! Oh how grand it is to be so loved! I love you, Daddy!

Here is the retirement cake I made for him:

Note that the retirement cake has time for Mollye and Harley each day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love this!!! Super cake idea! That Papa is a special guy...such a sweet heart it seems. No wonder Mollye Bear loves him so!

    Designer jeans, huh?

    Paybacks are gonna give Nanny T and Papa the happiest chuckle of all!

    Mollye: "I HAVE to have these, mama! Everybody is wearing them! I am not leaving the store without them!"

    Perhaps Aunt Meghan can teach her the beauty of Goodwill at an early age for your sake!


    .mac :)
