Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So how is it that Mollye is growing so FAST?

In fact, just tonight she added the word FAST to her vocabulary.

We did the typical routine: bath, cuddle in Mommy's arms, diaper, then head to the crib for jammies. Except she sweet talked her way into this routine: bath, cuddle in Mommy's arms, diaper, cuddle in Mommy's arms, cuddle some more while yelling to go into the living room, then she wanted a little horsey action (remember still no jammies), then the next thing I know she is off running through the house yelling FAST...

That's right she is asking me to chase her while yelling FAST. Yes, my dear, you are fast in so many ways. So I happily obliged and chased this sweet, on the way to feeling better little toddler.

Here is the picture of her capturing her yogurt melts and about to take off again:

Next it was more chasing and more yelling of FAST! I love her landing though- right into her chair where she had strategically placed her yogurt melts! In this picture you can read her face- she is about to take off and say chase mommy, chase! Fast you may be sweet girl, but I still caught you! Now if only I could slow down this growing up stuff...


  1. Oh, I love this! I love that she is learning so many great new words too. These pictures are precious. I do see a little competition in that face of hers on the 2nd pic...watch out!

    .mac :)

  2. That is the cutest picture of the two of you!
