Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Back to work

Back to work I go again today...

I thought I was so ready to go back! I was yesterday, and I know I will be  fine once I get there today.  However, I'm not fine right now.  Staying home with Mollye is exhausting, but I LOVE it.  I miss my baby girl! Mostly I like the fact that I truly felt like I was raising her and teaching her to make good choices.  Instead now I feel like I'm teaching 25 other kids to make good choices.  Oh well. At least I do enjoy my job.

Miss you sweet girl! I will see you at 3:30 today!

1 comment:

  1. It's because you were able to do the wonderful job you do from 3:30-8:30 bedtime...THE ENTIRE DAY!!!

    It is tons of work to stay at home, and not for everyone. It's sacrifice and LOTS of patience, but a job full of rewards for both you and Mollye.

    Hang in are doing a superb job holding down TWO full time jobs! I don't know how you do it!

    .mac :)
