Wednesday, August 4, 2010

First Haircut

So this really happened over a month ago, but like I said I have been living my summer in a hands on, every moment kind of way. Not behind the computer like I do the rest of the year, ha!

Mollye as we all know has had a mullet for quite sometime. Bless her, but the only thing to call it is a mullet. Shall I remind you:

Truthfully I had been thinking about doing it for sometime, but we went to swimming lessons one morning and the decision was made. I noticed another little girl with the same stringy hair . She was older and it had grown into a full out mullet with the stuck to your neck look. I decided then and there that Mollye could not look like that. Note- as I write this right now my child needs another haircut in order not to look like that in two weeks!

So I put in all the necessary phone calls. Janie for the hair appointment. Lori for the photographer- you know I have to capture every first moment of this child!!!

Editor's note- please excuse the swollen, red eye. This was during day five of the ugly mosquito bite.

The one hour before our first haircut picture:

Mollye very unsure about the future- needed three things 1. B 2. Fingers 3. Mommy

Talking it over. I had intended to do a little bobb, but Janie brought up a good point that we needed just a little more of the front to grow out. Plus she knows me well and all I was really prepared for was a small trim!

First Cut:

A few more:

Still needing fingers and B:

Pretending to cut the baby's hair:

She's loving it now:

All done:

Now I just need to call tomorrow to make the next appointment- I'm thinking go more drastic next time!

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