Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Family Time!

Oh how I love this season! It's filled with lots of love and lots of family.

Perfect example is the sweet text message I just received from my husband:

Hey Babe, just wanted to tell you I love you. You have already made my Christmas by the family we have together. I love you!

How sweet is that?? He is correct. Our family makes our Christmas. You see we have this precious baby girl who will be 17 months on Christmas day! How can she already be 17 months??? Just look at this cute picture:
Anyways, back to my topic: family. I love my husband, but I must confess I LOVE his sister as well! I mean I have the best sis-n-law ever! Who else would make Mollye that cute outfit in the picture above?? Well, we have already done our "family" christmas with my sis-n-law, Kenny, Eli, and Casey. The cousins had a blast together. The adults enoyed some adult time, lots of laughter, and many memories were made.
The night started off by making a gingerbread house. This is a tradition of mine that goes back decades. I still remember the first house my dad and I built together. Let's just say it was not edible as we ended up using hot glue to hold the house together! We did eventually improve and thus made several houses, trees, trains, etc. Well now I have started this tradition with Mollye the past two years (yes, I am aware that I was the one who really built the house last year). So this year can you imagine my happiness when I found a prebuilt house that just needed decorating! I was more than excited! Here are pictures of the boys helping Mollye and I this year:I loved that Casey would randomly place the candy anywhere, and Eli would very politely move the Christmas trees back to their "proper" place. He was not having trees on the roof!

Here is the finished product:
Then it was time to move to the kids favorite part! Opening presents!!!

Just check out what they got:

Mollye a dress up center full of shoes, skirts, necklaces, braclets, rings, and even a cinderlla dress! She loves it!
Eli a remote control car and a build your own CAT truck!
Casey a full set of drums!
Last but not least I leave you with a video of two future rock stars! These two are way too much alike! They will have a love/hate relationship as cousins!

Thanks my family! You make my Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Hey!!! Those are some adorable kiddos in this post! Your SIL loves you too! When does that 2 man band go on tour? I need to get front row tickets...oh wait. I think I already have them and they NEVER expire!

    .mac :)
