Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Retail Therapy?

I know it is only January, but I saw this the other dayI really think Mollye needs this bathing suit! I mean this is our first "real" summer of swimming. I know it is $40- way too much for a small amount of fabric. But, I just know she needs it! Plus how cute would she be! I wouldn't have to pay to have it monogrammed because I bet Miss Mollye could sweet talk her Aunt Meg into doing it!

Oh what to do; what to do???

1 comment:

  1. Already scoped out how to make this. Pretty easy...we just need to find bathing suit fabric that looks like seer sucker so it will be functional and durable...real seer sucker even lined would be miserable to wear as a bathing suit!!

    .mac :)
